Table of Contents
- 101-001: Financial Gain or Avoidance of Financial Loss
- 101-002: Purchasing from or Contracting with OSU Employees, Relatives of OSU Employees or Members of the OSU Employee’s Household
- 101-003: OSU Employee Honorariums Guideline
- 101-004: Other State Employees Honorarium Guideline
- 101-005: Personal Purchases using OSU Funds
- 101-006: Personal Purchases using OSU Contracts as an OSU Employee
The following policy provides guidance in the ethical and objective practices associated with procuring goods, services and construction at OSU. All purchases and contracts must be conducted in a manner that utilizes the highest ethical standards. Any purchases or contracts not conducted in compliance with this policy could potentially result in a financial conflict of interest. Financial conflicts of interest are unrelated to those associated with research. All research conflicts of interest are managed by the Office of Research Integrity.
101-001: Financial Gain or Avoidance of Financial Loss
See Oregon Revised Statute 244 for current information.
101-002: Purchasing from or Contracting with OSU Employees, Relatives of OSU Employees or Members of the OSU Employee’s Household
Any purchase or contract for the provision of goods, services or construction, regardless of the dollar value, is subject to the provisions of Oregon Revised Statute 244. OSU may only purchase from or contract with OSU employees, relatives of OSU employees (relative as defined in ORS 244) or members of the OSU employee’s household if the OSU employee is not involved in the selection, award or administration of the purchase/contract. Administration of the purchase/contract means that an OSU employee may not take any official action (including approving contracts or payments) on behalf of OSU that could have a financial impact on a private business with which they, a relative or member of their household is associated.
Purchases or contracts that violate this policy may be considered an unauthorized purchase or contract and will follow the process for Unauthorized Purchases or Contracts contained in PCMM 203. Violations involving federally funded projects are subject to Conflict of Interest Violations Pertaining to Use of Federal Funds in PCMM 104-003.
101-003: OSU Employee Honorariums Guideline
See Oregon Revised Statute 244 for current information.
101-004: Other State Employees Honorarium Guideline
See Oregon Revised Statute 244 for current information.
101-005: Personal Purchases using OSU Funds
Employees may not make personal purchases using OSU funds.
101-006: Personal Purchases using OSU Contracts as an OSU Employee
OSU employees may not use OSU contracts or a relationship with the contracted vendor to obtain more favorable pricing, terms and/or conditions than is available to the public or other employee groups in private or public sectors.