The university will have a competitive opportunities website that is available to the public for posting notices of formal solicitations and sole sources.
Formal Solicitation Notice:
The university must provide public notice of competitive solicitations exceeding the formal procurement threshold.
The public notice will include the following:
- Description of the goods, services, or construction services that are the subject of the formal solicitation.
- The date and time the solicitation opens and closes.
- A university contact for questions or additional information.
The public notice must be posted to the university’s competitive opportunities website from the time the solicitation opens until it closes.
Sole Source Notice:
The university must provide public notice of its decision to award a sole source contract.
The public notice will include the following:
- Description of the goods, services, or construction services.
- Name of the prospective sole source supplier.
- Information as to why the prospective sole source supplier is the only entity, or only suitable entity reasonably available, to meet the research and/or business needs of the university.
- The OSU Standard under which appeal rights for sole source contract awards can be found.
- The date and time by which any appeals must be received.
- A university contact for questions or additional information.
The public notice must be posted to the university’s competitive opportunities website for seven calendar days from the date of posting to allow for appeals. The university may not execute the sole source contract during this seven-day public notice period.