OSU Policy

OSU Policy 316-001 supports OSU Standard 03-010 (5.8.1) that expands economic opportunities for minority-owned, woman-owned, service-disabled veterans and emerging small businesses by offering contracting and subcontracting opportunities through institution contracts.

OSU actively searches for at least one (1) certified firm from the COBID database, if available on formal solicitations. If no certified COBID firm is available, a firm that is self-identified or certified by another state, federal government or other entity, may be used, if available.

For procurements of goods and services, bidders and proposers must certify, as part of the bid or proposal documents accompanying the bid or proposal on a public contract, that such bidder or proposer has not discriminated against Minority, Women, Service-Disabled Veterans or Emerging Small Business Enterprises in obtaining any required subcontracts.

OSU reports spend with diverse businesses directly to the OSU Board of Trustees. Oregon State University intends to acquire the best product at the best price being cognizant of the need to encourage growth of Oregon firms including COBID certified firms.