Purchases on behalf of OSU shall be made in accordance with the applicable Federal, ORS, OAR, OSU Standards and PCMM policies and procedures. It is the responsibility of all persons who purchase goods, services and construction on behalf of the University to be aware of the applicable Federal, ORS, OAR, OSU Standards and current PCMM policies and guidelines. All such persons are expected to uphold the laws, rules and policies guiding the University.
201-001: Funding Sources
All funds within OSU, with the exception of Agency Funds, are subject to the applicable statutes, rules, policies and procedures pertaining to procurement and contracting at OSU no matter what the source of funding. This policy includes, but is not limited to, funding through E & G, Auxiliary, Research, OSU Foundation or the OSU Agricultural Research Foundation.
201-002: Organizations
OSU can only purchase or contract on behalf of OSU. PCMM cannot purchase or Contract for entities that are not part of OSU. Often Oregon State University or OSU is used in conjunction with entities that have an affiliation with OSU but are not a unit within OSU. Some examples of entities that are not OSU are:
- OSU Bookstore is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization
- OSU Foundation is a non-profit organization
- OSU Master Gardner’s Association
PCMM also cannot Contract or make commitments on behalf of students or OSU employees. When a Contract Officer signs a Contract they do so in their position as an Oregon State University employee and as such, only have the authority to commit on behalf of OSU.
201-003: Purchases or Contracts Using Federal Funds
Purchases or Contracts at or above $25,000 using federal funds may not be made to Entities or Vendors that are debarred, suspended or otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation in federal assistance programs or activities.