303: Purchase Orders

Purchase Orders are issued through the university’s eProcurement system.  Purchase Orders can be issued for purchasing standard goods or services that are “off the shelf” or fairly typical.  For more complex purchases, a different form of Contract should be contemplated.


303-001: eProcurement System

The eProcurement system is a requisition and purchase order based system that integrates with the Banner Financial Information System in order to maintain a centralized purchasing system. The eProcurement system records university purchases at the time of purchase; routes and documents approvals through automated workflow; and maintains transparent auditable transactions.  As such the eProcurement system should be used for acquisitions of goods and services.


303-002: Purchase Orders

OSU Purchase Orders must be issued for purchases at or above $5000 and reference the appropriate terms and conditions on the PaCS website.  Exceptions include those allowed in PaCS 303-012 or as allowed by the Chief Procurement Officer or designee. 


303-003: Reserved


303-004: Purchase Order Terms and Conditions

Purchase orders issued through the eProcurement system reference the appropriate Standard Terms and Conditions listed on the PaCS website.  OSU Purchase Order Standard Terms and Conditions prevail over Vendor terms and conditions.  Under no circumstances should Department or Business Center staff allow or agree to make changes to OSU Purchase Order Terms and Conditions.  If a Vendor requests changes to the terms and conditions, submit request to PaCS for review.


303-005: Purchase Order Changes and Cancellation

Under development.


303-006: Reserved


303-007: Reserved


303-008: Purchase Order Capital Assets

All Capital Assets shall be purchased according to the Property Management Polices and Procedures.


303-009: Purchase Order Trade-Ins

When an asset involves a trade-in, the original purchase order should reflect the original value of the asset without consideration of the trade-in credit. The intent to make a trade-in and the value, which will be received for the trade-in, should be covered in item text. The trade-in value will be given during invoice payment by using journal voucher processing. When a trade-in is referenced check with Surplus Property and Inventory Control and complete a Property Disposition Request (PDR) before the purchase. All Trade-Ins shall follow the Property Management Policies and Procedures.

For additional information related to Purchase Order Trade-Ins see PaCS 301-008.


303-010: Exchange of OSU Goods or Services for Discounts

Generally, an exchange of OSU goods or services for a Vendor’s goods or services in whole or at a discounted rate is not allowable. This practice unfairly eliminates Vendors who may not wish to accept OSU goods and services and disproportionately lowers or eliminates the overall price of the goods or services without accounting for the trade or discount.


303-011: Purchase Order Discounts

When an asset involves a “discount” from a vendor, the purchase order should reflect the actual discounted cost paid rather than the inflated cost prior to discount.


303-012: Purchase Order Exception List

The following is a list of commodities and payees that do not require the issuance of a Purchase Order required under 303-002 prior to payment:


  • Medical bills for OSU student athletes
  • Food purchased for University Dining and Memorial Union resale
  • Insurance
  • Payments made in accordance with a contract or agreement
  • Refunds or overpayments from OSU to another entity
  • Payments to the PAC-12 or National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)
  • Payment to OSU Bookstore by Intercollegiate Athletics for books for OSU athletes
  • Payroll, health benefits, retirement and life insurance payments
  • Royalty payments requested by the Research Office
  • Travel advances or reimbursements as allowed by OSU travel policies
  • Tuition Reimbursements
  • Utilities
  • Conference registration fees
  • Memberships in professional organizations
  • Lodging for OSU employees or students
  • When the following vendors are the payees:
    • OSU Foundation
    • United States Post Office
  • Payments when the purchase is not subject to OSU Procurement Standards
  • Other exceptions authorized by the Chief Procurement Officer or designee