100: Purchasing and Contract Ethics

Procurement, Contracts, and Material Management Policy & Procedures Manual
Section 100: Purchasing and Contract Ethics


To direct OSU faculty, administrators, and staff in ethical and responsible procurement practices, ensuring compliance with applicable laws, regulations, policies, and procedures.


OSU employees are expected to uphold the highest ethical standards in their relationships with one another, with students, with the wider community, and in all of their professional pursuits.  Inherent in this responsibility is the obligation to follow the laws, regulations, policies, and procedures that govern ethical and responsible procurement practices while exhibiting integrity expected of all employees.  Specifically, the regulations guiding employees are those contained in the Oregon Government Ethics Law, Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 244, and the Code of Ethics, OAR 580-061-0000.  This policy will address ethical and responsible procurement and public contracting practices.